Glock 43x Mag Capacity - What is the difference between the Glock 43 and 43X? How are they similar and how are they different? Are slides 43 and 43X the same? What about updates and extensive mags? Let's clear up the confusion with a few ideas and take a look.
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Glock 43x Mag Capacity

What is the difference between the Glock 43 and 43X? How are they similar? Are slides 43 and 43X the same?
Glock 43x (g43x) Simline, Single Stack Sub Compact/compact Concealed Carry (ccw) Pistol With 10 Rounds Of 9mm Firepower! (video!)
Glock model naming conventions can be confusing. In fact, there is no relationship between the model number and the size or caliber of the gun, ie. "Glock 9" is a Glock 9mm, but which one? And the Glock 45 is...well, is the Glock in .45 ACP or the G45 version?
Then there are guns like the 43 and 43X that sound like they should be exactly the same, but they aren't. Why does 43X have an "X" added to its label?
Let's clear up some of the confusion, at least on these two models, with a quick guide to two popular pistols from the polymer pistol giant's product line.
When the Glock 43 was officially introduced in 2015, it was met with great excitement. For years, the public has been asking when a single-shot 9mm would come to Glock, and it's finally here. At the NRAAM 2015 Glock 43 press conference, many models were adorned with G43 graphics, flags and symbols. The company offered everything from shorts to single-layer gun festival ropes. All in all, there was excitement in the firearms media about the unveiling of something truly unique and innovative from Glock. For gun owners everywhere, there was a curiosity — which made buying a sight and a touch — like never before.
Shooting The Glock 48 And 43x At Shot Show Industry Day At The Range
The G43 is much smaller than the popular compact G19. Since both 9mms are made by Glock for concealed carry, that's a good comparison to start with, so here goes:
For many gun owners, the G43's small frame makes it a good choice for concealed carry. Unlike the G19, its grip does not throw the gun when it is loaded and locked. It is 100 percent correct to say that it is worth hiding.
It's also true to say that the narrow frame and grip of the G43 can make it more difficult to shoot well.

Yes, this gun is great if you have small hands, but with larger hands it can be confusing. Not all guns are right for all guns. Our hand sizes and finger lengths are different. Using a gun that fits your hands and fingers well is more important than you think. Just because a gun is hailed in the gun world as the greatest gun since the M1911 won twelve world wars doesn't mean it's the best gun for you, specifically. Take the time to try out the gun and see how it fits before you buy it.
I Will Argue The 43x Is The Best Ccw Glock Has Ever Made For Personal Defense.
The good news is that it is impossible to practice with any weapon to improve your skill with it. Putting some effort into training is always a good idea and can make it easier to guide small guns correctly. Some weapons will always be more difficult for you to shoot accurately than others, but there is always room for improvement.
Five shots from five yards without a timer: You can get a one-hole group from the G43, but it takes more time and care than the G43X. That, and there always seems to be at least one plane. Photo: Kat Ainsworth Stevens.
In terms of performance, the G43 performs as well as expected, holding up to all kinds of bikes and generally producing good combinations. Not as accurate as other Glocks, but generally accurate.
The G43 can be easily hidden in a wide range of clothing, and its light weight also means it won't trip up or pull down shorts or yoga pants. Depending on your body shape, it can also work well when deep concealment is needed in non-permissive areas.
Brand New: Glock 43x Mos And Glock 48 Mos
Although not as small as others, this is still a small gun. It may not fit your hands well and may remain as a "backup" (BUG) or everyday summer (EDC) gun.
When it comes to accuracy, the G43 doesn't cut it as a precision rifle, so if you want good performance from your rifle, this is not the rifle for you. Whether or not your EDC should be accurate is a matter of some debate.
Finally, the G43 only has 6 rounds in its standard magazine. It's not a mage's greatest strength and might be enough to make you stop carrying. If you decide to carry spare mags, make sure you spend some time working on the mag changes. Speed matters.

The G43X hit the market in 2019 as part of Glock's new Slimline product line (and another example of the company's crossover pistol style). Not to be confused with single bags like the G43, Slimlines are sleek and have no singles or doubles. The result is a gun that's twice as thin, but has more power than your average partner. It's a sub-compact handgun built to enhance the concealed carry utility of the gun owner while providing Gen 5 accuracy.
Tyrant Designs Can Now Add More Capacity To Your Glock 43x And G48
Due to similar model names rather than different uses, it's a good idea to check the specifications of the Glock 43 vs 43X side by side. We'll list them both here so you don't have to go back and forth to compare measurements:
Based on the measurements, you can see that the G43X is bigger than the G43, but does that matter? Does a tenth of an inch here and there make a difference?
In short, yes. The extra three-quarters of an inch of height gives your fingers more room to fully grip the gun, the extra hair length gives longer fingers more power to fire, and the extra weight adds balance. .
Ten and one shots chambered for 11 shots from ten yards at a steady rate. The G43X has solid performance. Photo: Kat Ainsworth Stevens.
Glock 43: What To Know About The Super Slim, Concealed Carry Gun
That alone is enough to recommend it to many shooters, but when you add its Gen 5 features it becomes a clear winner. The G43X features upgraded features such as the Glock Marksman Match Barrel, Reversible Magazine Catch, and Front Slide Serrations. The slide stop lever is also double sided, the magazine is extended, and the mags have extended floor plates. In total there are 20 design changes in Generation 5 Glocks and 43X benefits from all of them.
The extra height on the G43X is perfect to make the gun fit for larger hands. Photo: Kat Ainsworth Stevens.
This is a Glock model that fits a wider range of hand sizes than most models can achieve. Its slimline shape helps it hit that sweet spot, and the design is stellar.

In the G43X series, all 9mm weights rotate smoothly. In terms of accuracy, this gun is not only accurate - it's accurate. The groups produced with a wide variety of ammo are nothing short of sexy.
Best Sub Compact 9mm Pistols
It can be hidden in everything from cargo pants to skinny jeans with tank tops. The G43X is a well-designed, impressively designed model.
If you have very large hands, the G43X may be too small for you. It also has a barrel length that matches the barrel length of the G43, which affects its scale somewhat.
A 10-round mag capacity isn't bad, but it's not the 15 or 17 rounds that most gun owners prefer. Worrying about a big change when your life is on the line, after all, adds to the stress. (You can check out ETS 19 rounds or ProMag 50 rounds in the store.)
Its extra height over the G43 means it isn't suitable for deep concealment and makes it less than ideal for smaller frame carriers.
Glock 43x Optimized: Customizing The G43x
Both the G43 and G43X fill their niche and work well for different gun owners. No, the G43 is no longer available. We all have different hand sizes, skill levels, and concealment needs, so one gun doesn't rule them all. It all comes down to personal preference, so while it would be easy to say that the G43X is the superior gun for its five gun classes in my hands - it may not be- they are the same to you.
The slide on the G43 is not the same as the G43X and their holsters are unchanged (and their magazines are unchanged).
The G43 is technically Gen 4 and the G43X is Gen 5, so the internals and external components are very different.

If your hands are small or you need a gun for deep concealment, the G43 may be a good fit; if your hands are big and you want a good EDC, the G43X might be the best.
New Glocks: G48 And G43x Black Slide Slimline Pistols Set To Debutthe Firearm Blog
Understand what you need from your concealed carry gun and test the options before you buy. Maybe the G43 will
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